Putala is an innocent girl barely 16-17 year old .She is leading a happy, carefree life of a normal, rustic girl. When her life takes an unexpected turn-all because of knots (jat) in her hair. Pulta now has to be dedicated to Goddess Yallamma merely because she has developed knots (jat) in her hair . In case she is dedicated to the Goddess she is in danger of incurring the wrath of Goddess who resides on the mountain of Soundatti. The Goddess’ wrathful curse will destroy the entire family. Putla’s parents are terrified with the circumstances. Ultimately tremoundous social pressures turn Putla into a “Jogtin’ (one who is dedicated to Goddess Yallamma.)
Putla is torn between the pressures inflicted by the worsening economic strains in the family and the jears and mocking stares of the society. The mind comaores the path imposed on her by a superstitious society and the happy settled lives led by her companions. The contradictions sadden her. Restless Putla turns her back on her parents and in face of stiff oppositions from them, joins Raghu’s troupe, which sings the praises of the Goddess for a living. Putla turns a new leaf. At the ame time Tayappa, who is also a member of the same troupe draped in a sari and made a ‘Jogtini’ at the time of Putla’s ceremonial dedication to the Goddess Yallamma, is happy to see Putla in the troupe.
Putla gets attracted to a new entrant in the troupe ‘Annu’ who plays the ‘zanjari’. She is mad with joy when she learns about his plans of settling down in marriage. She gives herself upto Annu. In course of time, she is on the threshold of motherhood. But Annu smashes her dreams of a happy settled life. He rejects the parenthood of the unborn child. Putla is devastated. Again, Tayappa caringly stands to support her.
A dejected Putla returns to her village. Her parents throw her out. Here, Tayappa convinces her to abort the child and encourages her to form their own troupe. Putla then decides to go for an abortion and thereby seeks to start life afresh. She assembles a new dance troupe, without Raghu and Annu. She gets support in her venture from Tayappa. She is horrified when she learns about the tortures heaped on him by his people and the society. Putla senses something different in Tayappa and is enamored by this very quality. Tayappa is also in need on mental support. They come together physically and mentally. Both of them dream for a happy settled life. But their fellowmen belonging to their own sects disapprove such a union. They take Tayappa to the mountains for castrating.
Putal goes for help for help of Tayappa .more sir Who is an activist and Works against irrational rites and traditions , helps her putla gets furious against all the people harassing Tayappa . Putla starts bcating up people by whatever she gets into her hand .Tayappa also joins her. By seeing that atticude off both putla and tayappa, everybody starte running, where ever they find place to run down the mountains.
Finally putla finds a big knife [ koyata ] by which she threatens the pujari and him to marriage rituals between her and Tayppa. Fayally she asks tayappa to remove to his perform marriage rituals between her and . Tayppa to remove his sari and dress like man They both get married in front of all people and starts a new life.
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